How to convert an entrypoint to a Pebble layer *********************************************** This guide will show you how to take an existing Docker image entrypoint and convert it into a Pebble layer, aka the list of one or more services which is defined in ``rockcraft.yaml`` and then taken by the rock's Pebble entrypoint. Reference entrypoint -------------------- For this guide, the reference Docker image entrypoint will be NGINX. The official Debian-based NGINX image's Dockerfile can be found `here `_. In summary, this Dockerfile is basically installing NGINX into the image and then defining the OCI entrypoint to be a custom `shell script `_ which parses the first argument given to it at container deployment time, and then configures and launches NGINX accordingly. Design the Pebble services -------------------------- A `Pebble layer `_ is composed of metadata, checks and services. The latter is present in ``rockcraft.yaml`` as a `top-level field `_ and it represents the services which are loaded by the Pebble entrypoint when deploying a rock. Given the reference entrypoint, this guide's goal is to create two services: one for ``nginx`` and another for ``nginx-debug``. The following ``services`` snippet does just that: .. literalinclude:: code/convert-to-pebble-layer/rockcraft.yaml :language: yaml :start-after: Pebble entrypoint This is defining two separate Pebble services which are disabled by default at startup, have the same environment variable, but are executed with different commands (``nginx`` and ``nginx-debug``). Build the rock -------------- Copy the above snippet and incorporate it into the ``rockcraft.yaml`` file which will be used to build your rock, as shown below: .. literalinclude:: code/convert-to-pebble-layer/rockcraft.yaml :language: yaml This Rockcraft recipe is fully declarative, with the creation of the "nginx" user being the only scripted step. To reproduce what the reference NGINX Dockerfile is doing, notice the use of ``package-repositories`` in this ``rockcraft.yaml`` file, allowing you to also make use of NGINX's 3rd party package repository (even using the same GPG key ID as the one used in `the Dockerfile `_). **NOTE**: to add custom configuration files, you can use the ``dump`` plugin. Now, build the final custom NGINX rock with: .. literalinclude:: code/convert-to-pebble-layer/task.yaml :language: bash :start-after: [docs:pack] :end-before: [docs:pack-end] :dedent: 2 You should see something like this: .. code-block:: text :emphasize-lines: 5,26 :class: log-snippets Launching instance... Retrieved base ubuntu@22.04 for amd64 Extracted ubuntu@22.04 Refreshing repositories | (4.6s) Package repositories installed Executed: pull nginx-user Executed: pull nginx Executed: pull pebble Executed: overlay nginx-user Executed: overlay nginx Executed: overlay pebble Executed: build nginx-user Executed: skip pull nginx-user (already ran) Executed: skip overlay nginx-user (already ran) Executed: skip build nginx-user (already ran) Executed: stage nginx-user (required to build 'nginx') Executed: build nginx Executed: build pebble Executed: skip stage nginx-user (already ran) Executed: stage nginx Executed: stage pebble Executed: prime nginx-user Executed: prime nginx Executed: prime pebble Executed parts lifecycle Exported to OCI archive 'custom-nginx-rock_latest_amd64.rock' Then copy the resulting rock (from the OCI archive format) to the Docker daemon via: .. literalinclude:: code/convert-to-pebble-layer/task.yaml :language: bash :start-after: [docs:skopeo] :end-before: [docs:skopeo-end] :dedent: 2 And finally, run the container: .. literalinclude:: code/convert-to-pebble-layer/task.yaml :language: bash :start-after: [docs:docker-run] :end-before: [docs:docker-run-end] :dedent: 2 Notice the given command ``start nginx``, as this is Pebble's client syntax to let the Pebble daemon know that the ``nginx`` service defined in ``rockcraft.yaml`` (which is disabled by default) should be enabled at startup. Otherwise, the Pebble daemon would start without any NGINX service, although you could still later on ask for that service to be started (via something like ``docker exec start nginx``). At this point, your container should be deployed and running the ``nginx`` service, and you should be able to see the NGINX landing page by accessing port 8080 on you localhost: .. literalinclude:: code/convert-to-pebble-layer/task.yaml :language: bash :start-after: [docs:curl] :end-before: [docs:curl-end] :dedent: 2 For which you should see the following output: .. code-block:: text :emphasize-lines: 4 :class: log-snippets Welcome to nginx!

Welcome to nginx!

If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.

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