Use the django-framework extension ---------------------------------- .. note:: The Django extension is compatible with the ``bare`` and ``ubuntu@22.04`` bases. To use it, include ``extensions: [ django-framework ]`` in your ``rockcraft.yaml`` file. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../code/use-django-extension/example/rockcraft.yaml :language: yaml Managing project files with the Django extension ------------------------------------------------ The extension will search for a directory named after the rock within the Rockcraft project directory to transfer it into the rock image. The Django project should have a directory named after the rock, and the ```` file within this directory must contain an object named ``application`` to serve as the WSGI entry point. The following is a typical Rockcraft project that meets this requirement. .. code-block:: +-- example_django | |-- example_django | | |-- | | +-- ... | |-- | |-- | +-- some_app | |-- | +-- ... |-- requirements.txt +-- rockcraft.yaml To override this behaviour and adopt a different project structure, add the ``django-framework/install-app`` part to install the Django project in the ``/django/app`` directory within the rock image and update the command for the ``django`` service to point to the WSGI path of your project. .. literalinclude:: ../code/use-django-extension/override_example/rockcraft.yaml :language: yaml :start-after: [docs:parts-start] :end-before: [docs:parts-end]